The meeting
was called to order by President, Donovan Bowley, at 7:00 P.M. Those
attending were Donovan Bowley, Bob Appleby, Gwen Brodis, Ann
Leadbetter, Mary Ireland, Marie Berry, Barbara Ludwig, Florance
Merrifield, Juanita Hunt, Cynthia Della Penna, Jim Della Penna, Lewis
Merrifield, Emily Saladino, Peter Saladino, Bill Boyd, Nancy Ford and
Linda Hillgrove. Guests were Carol Brown Jaeger and Sarah Smith.
REORT: Secretary, Linda Hillgrove, summarized the Minutes for December
12, 2017 which was unanimously accepted.
REPORT: Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, reported Income: $1,024.13;
Expenses: $1,202.05; Balance in Savings, $15,167.85; Balance in
Checking, $522.99 which was unanimously accepted.
BUSINESS: Emily Saladino was given copies of some maps and a letter
from Charlotte A. Robbins to Westbra Bowley around 1942 by Donovan
Bowley. This request was for a school project by Charlotte A. Robbins
requesting Maine history from the historical society. Emily is still
requesting pictures, stories, interviews, reproductions, or objects for
the Travelling History Treasure Chest. Again, this is an outreach
project to benefit the HHS and, has been accepted with enthusiastic
anticipation, by the Principal of Hope Elementary School.
NEW BUSINESS: Our thanks to Marie Berry for mowing the lawn and Diane Sprowl for mowing the ditch.
REPORT: Volunteers for Spring Cleanup at the HHS home are needed. Some
wallpaper is loose and needs to be repasted. Windows need washing and
some window frames need repainting. Refreshments were
provided by Marie Berry and Linda Hillgrove.
CHAIR; Program Chair, Ann Leadbetter, introduced the speaker, Carol
Brown Jaeger, who spoke about growing up in what is now the home of
Hope Historical Society. The July 17th meeting will start at 9:30 A.M.
at the HHS home then we will walk or car pool to Amy Wilton’s
Photography Studio. The August meeting will be announced at a later
date. No time has been set or the day time meeting with Bruce Gamage,
the speaker in September. The ANNUAL MEETING is October 16th and the
speaker will be a speaker from Ford Enterprise regarding Maine
Forestry. Donovan Bowley will speak on November 20th about our local
mills. December 11th will be our Christmas Brunch.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Hillgrove, Secretary